Wednesday 7 January 2009

Being Clueless...

Sunset through a rear view mirror, originally uploaded by suprio.

My worst fears are realised. Obtrusive as I have been in my show of affection, it has yeided a very dispassionate response. It seems that I might have as well made a fool of myself for no reason. I have been careful to keep my cool and wane slowly away. As expected there were no concerned questions not a single hint of loss or uncertainty nor even a perception of this sudden loss of apathy, only pointless good mornings and customatory exchanges of greetings. I wonder where I might have gone wrong. I am truely clueless. If only someone had a clew to guide me into the unknown... However, I now have a clue to the discovery of the term clue... and I guess I will only have to be satisfied with this knowledge.

Discovery of the word Clue: (Clew)
"Since ancient Greek legends were passed down through oral tradition, many variations of the story of Minos and Theseus and other myths exist. According to one version of the legend, Minos attacked Athens after his son was killed there. The Athenians asked for terms, and were required to sacrifice seven young men and seven maidens every nine years to the Minotaur. One year, the sacrificial party included Theseus, a young man who volunteered to come and kill the Minotaur. Ariadne fell in love at first sight, and helped him by giving him a sword and a ball of red fleece thread that she was spinning, so that he could find his way out of the Minotaur's labyrinth." -

Nb: I am still clueless 21:03 08-01-2009


Anonymous said...

was so blissfully unaware of potential damage caused by the seemingly harmless greetings.. well.. what can i say, guess i am as clueless as you are in this regard!

jokes apart,it made for a great piece of reading.. ever thought about freelancing :)

Anwesha Chatterjee said...

Loved the picture!!! It looks great!