Sunday 11 January 2009

Man proposes, God disposes

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light- Truly one of the most fascinating statement from the Bible. Hardly was such a saying ever said that makes one wonder the power God has.
Imagine you were God; you wish there was no summer but eternal spring and there is eternal spring, you wish for a snowfall and there would be snow, you wish for singing on the stage holding thousands spellbound and you could do it, you wish that Sundays extend well over 24 hours... now, i dont know what that would take to achieve... well it is just a story isn't it? Nevertheless, lets stick to more practical things: you would wish for a big room with a king size bed and a stereo player playing all the favourite tunes and voila! it was all there [:p], wish that your project lead stops being all too curious why you keep aloof and the next thing you know he is all too professional to even greet you... [:p].
But strange are the ways of God. He grants the simplest of half-wishes and sits back to watch the comedy of errors. For example,
1. He could grant your wish for a small favour you could extend to someone special (only half the wish). Then make sure that the favour is useless(the other half of the wish). You rejoice at your clever thinking and presence-of-mind only to be crestfallen later to learn about the disaster; a small spec of sand could ruin your wish!
Or better still:
2. Make you wait for a dreadful moment of truth/denial during a late night conversation and then leave you wondering at it, still clueless, but with a taste of vague certainty and that uncomfortable feeling of a lull before the storm. Humans are ever so imaginative, they turn facts into things the want to believe, they dont respond to clues but to hard facts!

Picking up on the thread of the topic again: when God has that choice God can make or break, the choice to be or not to be, the choice to give away or to take... I cannot but be wish for a favourable outcome, even when the chips are odd... For when a man proposes it is the God who disposes.

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